Carll Goodpasture utstillinger Av Natur
Rain Shadow
Camera work of a rain producing weather system:
Incoming Pacific Ocean clouds on the windward side of the San Gabriel Mountains that block the passage of rain causing a “rainshadow” of dryness leeside forming desert landforms on the leeside.
A young photographers’ landscape portfolio
with an intent to visualize California’s winter storm
mountain and dessert watering system.
Photographed in 1979, my first view camera experience -
Coincidentally documenting life and land-form
in the San Gabriel Wilderess ravaged by the Bobcat fire, September/Octoer, 2020.
LATimes article about the Bobcat wild fire
Heartfelt thanks to the fighters and workers who will know
better than I the stark beauty and the truth of “what remains” -
all a camera can do with the best of intention.